Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Proposition 8

This is a family blog- that's why I'm including this important post from a friend about families. California is dealing with an upcoming vote that will determine the state's definition of a family called Proposition 8. This proposition supports that marriage is between a man and a woman. If this propostion does not pass, the repercussions will affect us all. In states where all types of "marriages" are already recognized, mandatory "Equality" curriculum is taught to kindergartners without the parent's notification or consent. I hope that all of us can stand up for what we believe in and support the Proclamation to the World- it was obviously divinely inspired by a Prophet of God.

The Family: A Proclamation to the World,4945,161-1-11-1,00.html

Here's a link to a Jessica's blog with her views on the subject in California:

I asked what we could do to show our support and Jessica mentioned just getting the word out through blogging, and if we were able to, donating to the cause. There is a button on the right side of Jessica's blog that takes you directly to the Protect Families website if you're interested.

This link is an interview with a family in Massachusetts where all types of "marriages" are already state recognized and supported. Parents don't even have the right to speak out or protest the early teaching of their children about these topics without retaliation from the law. It's a scary thought and one that could easily become the "norm" for other states if this propostion is not passed.

Please take the time to get involved and show your support in any way you can.

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